A Daily Dose of Irish Luck

Famous Irish blessingIn celebration of St. Patrick’s Day 2015, ATG is exploring “All Things Irish” for the next couple weeks. Below ATG contributor Laura O’Neil reflects on the meaning of the “Luck of the Irish.” Stay tuned for more! 

Familiar especially to those of Irish descent, both young and old, is the Irish Blessing displayed in part as a photo in this week’s Rose’s Ridge post about Irish American culture:

May the road rise to meet you

May the wind be always at your back

May the sun shine warm upon your face

And rains fall soft upon your fields

And until we meet again

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand

These words adorned not one but two walls in my grandmother’s house. They never really meant that much to me when I was younger, but with each passing year, they have come to be a calming source of inspiration, reminding me to keep on moving along, to continue hoping, and to have faith that even if it doesn’t seem possible, things will fall into place. Read more