Thinker Thoughts: Ethical Principles

Our Thinker Thoughts continue with an excerpt from an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal (July 6, 2017) entitled: “How to Be a Buddhist in Today’s World“, by The Dalai Lama.
Give it a think and let us know your Thinker Thoughts!:

Today the world faces a crisis related to a lack of respect for spiritual principles and ethical values. Such values cannot be forced on society by legislation or by science, nor can fear inspire ethical conduct. Rather, people must have conviction in the worth of ethical principles so that they want to live ethically

Religious values such as kindness, generosity and honesty get lost in the rush to make more money and have more and ‘better’ possessions. Many people’s minds are confused about what happiness is and how to create its causes.”

Keep thinking with our previous Thinker Thoughts on:
social media behavior
likability vs. status
civil discourse
homo prospectus
names and identities
lifelong learners
star sanctuaries
artificial intelligence
the intellectual life
learning from early humans
and the importance of generosity of spirit
“Thinker Thoughts” is an initiative intended to help us THINK more deeply and deliberately amid the hurried pace of life’s existence. Every Friday, we’re posting our “Thinker Thoughts”, a short quote to reflect on from a recent commentary. Give it a think and let us know your thinker thoughts!

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