Cooking On The Coast of Maine With Chef Edward Lee

Brined Pork Chop recipeIf you’re an avid explorer, artist or writer, you can hardly find a better place to visit than the coast of Maine. With its 67 harbors – from Lubec Harbor in the northern most point to Bar Harbor, Camden, Rockland, Boothbay, Kennebunkport and York in the South – Maine offers unrivaled vistas for the painter’s eye, solitude and inspiration for contemplative writing and a treasure trove of shops, cafés, antiques, museums and gardens for the ultimate seeker of unique trinkets or treasures.

One such treasure – a pleasant place for a rest stop when traveling up the coast of Maine – is Stonewall Farms in York. Known for their specialty foods and gifts (especially their jams), they also have a café that offers deliciously prepared, fresh food sourced from local farmers and bakers – including everything from “Truffle Lobster Mac and Cheese” and “Curry Mango Chicken Wraps” to a refreshingly tasty “Summer Berry Salad.” Read more